Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Corporal Board Breakdown

I am asked by many what the details of the Board was so this is what I have to share. Well, here you go this is what I had to do. First you have to know the breakdown of the groups, it's pretty easy really I think of it like the church. Within the church you have stakes, wards, branches, priesthood and auxiliaries, etc. The Marine Corps (Church) has 4 Divisions (Areas) and within each Division has Battalions (Stakes) and then each Battalion has Companies (Wards/ Branches) and then it breaks down into Platoons(Priesthood/ Auxiliaries) , squads and fire teams (Home and Visiting Teachers).
        My Board was a Battalion Board which meant that out of all the marines up to the Battalion I had to beat in this board. First they picked 9 hard chargin devil dogs that they felt were the top competitors in the Company and we went head to head in the Company Board. A Board itself consists of
1. Physical Fitness Test: 20 pullups, 100 sit ups (2min.), and 3 mile run.
     I got 27 pull ups, 100 situps in 1:10, 3 mile: 20:11
2. 30 min.(shower and Shave) changeover  into an Alpha's Dress Uniform inspection
3.15min changeover into Charlie's uniform inspection
     Both uniforms are judged very critically in presentation of shooting badges and ribbons, as well as the way you look in uniform.
4. 5 min Period of Military Instruction on the importance of the blood stripe.
5. Interview were you are quized on all subjects and aspects of the USMC. Drill movements are shown as well constant judgement on bearing, confidence and your ability to make quick concise decisions.
After all was said and done I was the 1st place winner for the Company, I was then pushed to the Battalion board where I competed against the 1st place winner from all the other Companies, out of all the 12 competitors I won the Battalion Board as well, this means that out of approx. 1500 Marines I was chosen to be promoted Meritoriously to the Rank of Corporal. I will be getting promoted on December 2, 2011. I am really excited and now hopefully everyone knows now what they wanted... Semper Fidelis

1 comment:

Annette said...

Congrats!!! That is seriously so cool. Out of all those people, you work so hard and definitely deserve it!