Monday, August 15, 2011

Date night

Dalin & I went on a way fun date night Aug 3, 2011.  We knew there was going to be a super typhoon coming and we wanted to still be able to go on a date that week, so that's why we picked a wednesday.  Taelin got to play with Kyson and had so much fun.  So Dalin took me to YAKUNIKUS.  It was so cool.  It's an all you can eat restaurant, but a waiter comes and takes your order and brings you out the raw meat you ordered and you cook it yourself, right at the table you are sitting at. So cool. 
What the tables look like

the menu

cooking our food:)

something Dalin was actually really good

our raw meat

we got so much food that we were stuffed by the time we left!!! But I of course made room for an ice cream cone...somehow I ALWAYS have room for dessert! After dinner we went to go see Harry Potter 7 part 2.  It was such a GOOD movie.  we really enjoyed it.  So intense and just so good, there were sad parts too, but was done so well! We had such a fun date night.  I love going on dates with my hubby.  We went and picked up Taelin & he was so excited to see us.  They were having a sleepover on the ground with blankets and pillows all over and watching a movie.  He has so much fun with Kyson.  I love that we have made some great friends over here so Dalin & I can still go on dates without Taelin. 

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