Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Co Op & Working Out

So this week has been so much fun so far!!
Lets start with Monday:)
Taelin & I went to this thing called a Co Op, its where you drop your kid off with 2 other moms and have your child play with all the other kids while you go work out.  It's awesome.  If you are in the Co Op, you just have to pick 3 days out of the month to baby sit, and the rest of the days you can drop your kid off for FREE to go work out!:) So we went Monday to check it out and see how it ran and everything.  Taelin had a lot of fun, and I really liked it too.  When we came home we had some lunch and it was nap time.  When Taelin woke up we ran some errands and stopped at a farmers market and also got Taelin some really sweet Rain boots!! Pics to come soon:) We hurried home and say hello to dad, and then it was off to these peoples house that were cooking us dinner and having FHE for us.  They had a Japanese Family over as well, so they thought it would be cool for them to experience what our Thanksgiving is like....OMG I forgot how stuffed I get after having a Thanksgiving meal.  It was so delicious.  Taelin had a lot of fun with all of the kids as well.  We had a quick lesson on how we can make our House of House of God.  It was really fun.  They ran around the house, and played at the park and then it was time to go home! What a fun Monday!
Tuesday Taelin had check up at the doctor at 750am for his allergies.  Taelin seriously LOVES the doctor.  He loves having them look in his ears, listen to his heart, put things on his fingers or toes, and of course wear the doctor gloves! The doctor gave him some more Allergy medicine and said to keep using it for 3 months and then stop to see if he still needs it, it might just be summer allergies.  So we will do that.  We hurried home to get ready for him to go to the Co OP and for me to go to Water Aerobics.  Taelin did AWESOME at the Co Op, and Water Aerobics were so much fun.  There is nothing better than working out in the water:) After working out I picked up Taelin, hurried home and made us some lunches and it was off to another farmers market with Julie....wow this one was HUGE! I love the farmers markets over here! We came home and played and then turned on Finding Nemo and Taelin & I both fell asleep to it.  When we woke up we read some books and then made some dinner.  Dalin came home and we ate and then hung outside with all of our neighbors.  We love our neighbors and Taelin has 3 friends that he played with.  He also "helped" our neighbor mow his lawn.  What a fun Tuesday!
Wednesday has also been super busy! We took Dalin to work, came home and got ready for the Co Op and working out, read some books, took Taelin to the Co Op ( did good for 15 min, and the other 30 min wasn't so good...:(  I went to an extreme Fitness class that was a lot of fun.  The first 30 min of the class is Step, and I love step! Then we went onto using weights and working out arms and legs.  It was a really good work out! I was sweating so bad! I hurried and got Taelin, rushed home and showered and it was off to the Doctors off for his 2 year check up.  Taelin did awesome! He is 23.4 lbs (5th%), 2 ft 8 in (15%), and is in the 30% for head.  The doctor wants us to talk to a nutritionist about him not gaining weight, and to see what else we should do to help him grow.  Other than that he is doing good.  He went in for his 2 year shots, and was so excited because he got a sucker. He was laying down sucking his sucker, the doctor gave him the shot, he screamed and cried and wanted to be held, and then we reminded him that he had a sucker and he was happy. He was also happy because he got a band aid on his leg.  what a good little boy!! we hurried to the commisarry to get some groceries, came home, ate lunch, turned on Brother Bear and Taelin is asleep on the couch.  I have to wake him up soon so we can go to Scouts, we are playing Water balloon Volleyball:) Then Dalin & I are going on a date tonight to a Japanese Restaurant and then to see Harry Potter 7 Part 2!! Taelin is going to play with his friend Kyson, so it should be a lot of fun!!
Tomorrow our super typhoon is suppose to hit, and it is suppose to last till Saturday night....so we are getting already for that as well.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

oh my heck jen you little working out machine! sounds like things are going so well! cant wait to see pictures of his rain boots! miss you tons sis!Let me know what you think of HP!