Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Fall Festival

Friday the 28th of Oct was Camp Courtney's Fall Halloween Festival.  It was seriously so much fun! We were their from 2-6.  Taelin was having the time of his life.  Enjoy the pics:)
This is his 1st time on a pony ride...he was kind of nervous

Wanted to sit with Daddy

Happy when he was on the horse and daddy was by him

This is Taelin's 2nd pony ride...doing it all by HIMSELF!! Mommy even got to ride a pony:)

He was in Heaven! And he did AMAZING on the pony.  Wanted to ride it more and more and more. What a change from the first time he sat on one.  He is a PRO now:)

The whole way to the festival Taelin kept saying CHOO CHOO.  He is IN LOVE with Trains right now and was SO EXCITED when he saw this train.  We rode this OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! The whole way home he was saying Chooo Choo! This train ride was so much fun too. 

love my 2 boys

Taelin also LOVED the shooting game. 

He is so exited to shoot this gun! Love the glasses:)

The Military Police Dogs put on a show that was really sweet.  These dogs are so pretty!

This man is running away from the dog and the dog goes straight for his arm

biting his arm hard (the guy had something covering his arm)

 They also showed the dogs running after the man to get his arm, and then the man stops and just stands their and the dog sits down and sits by the was crazy cool! DO NOT MESS WITH A MILITARY POLICE DOG!
We also won a prize with our raffle:) a hygiene kit and a towel:) haha

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