Sunday, May 22, 2011


Taelin now LOVES to pick his outfits in the morning...this particular morning he wanted to wear a sweatshirt, pants, and shorts...he usually loves to wear 2 pairs of shorts...what a silly boy!!!
Monday we got to go to the doctor and find out if I was REALLY prego...and the results came back POSITIVE:) we are so excited to be adding another child to our family!! I didn't have a shirt yet for Taelin to wear that said BIG BROTHER, so I made one and that's how we showed our family:) He is going to be such a good OLDER BROTHER!!! YAY for baby #2:) we have a doc apt on the 31st, and that's when we will find out when we are due:)

Taelin also has been into coloring.  He love to color with one crayon, and then put it away, and then scribble with another one, and then put it away, etc....he does very good circles:)

I love his face in this, he is so concentrated:)

This is where he put all the crayons...what a silly!

He also loves to stack his blocks!

And pretend that he is a toy too:)

This week we got a package from GRAMMY, and it had a LION and a Eagle in it for Taelin!! Taelin was so excited! Thanks grammy for the package:)

Taelin's faces are just so funny when he is super concentrated...he moves his mouth to the side, and since he is teething of course there is slobber everywhere! I love it!! He was practicing rolling this circle toy!

Him getting dressed.....2 pairs of shorts.....and pants on under that......

This is Taelin's favorite movie right now....he goes crazy when he hears the drums!!!! He stops everything he is doing just so he can watch the drums! It's adorable!

My husband is pretty much amazing and came home with THESE for me:) It made my day!:) I love surprises like this!! And they were so delicious too:)
Taelin just hanging out at the park:)


Kaylene said...

COngrats on baby #2! Yip yip!

Annette said...

Yay, cutie post :) I love taelin's silly faces :)