Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Such a Little Helper

Taelin is seriously like the best helper! He proved yesterday that he can help me out with anything...what a good boy:) He helped me with the laundry....pulling the clothes out of the laundry basket and putting them on the couch for me to fold....he helped me get the laundry out of the dryer too. Later I had to run 5 errands. We would be gone for quite sometime, but I knew that Taelin would be a good helper. Macie came in the car too, cuz it was storming outside and I didn't want her to be in the garage. Taelin was laughing so hard when Macie would eat food out of his hand. It was so funny. We had to go get a shot for Macie, then go to Verizon Wireless, the post office, wal mart, and allied graphics. Taelin helped me everywhere I went and only cried for a little. I was so proud of him. When we came home Mel was making this AMAZING surprise dinner that smelled so good. It was Chicken Cour Don Blue (SP) with fresh GREEN BEANS from her garden (yes i eat green beans now:), and some corn. MEL IS SUCH A GREAT COOK! I love having such good meals every night. She is teaching me so much and is teaching me how to make things from scratch. It's so much fun.
I just love my baby boy! He is learning so much everyday. He is getting so much better at sitting still when I change his diaper too. I just have to sing a song to him and that makes him happy. Still learning this whole parent thing, AND I LOVE IT!

Who couldn't LOVE this baby boy, i mean look at how CUTE he is! I LOVE HIM

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