Sunday, June 20, 2010


This week Taelin got to spend time with his little 7 yr old Cousin Randy. He had never met Randy before because they live in Cour' de Lane, ID. So Randy was so excited to hang out with him. Randy was so kind and took ReNea, Wes, Taelin and I out to Chucky Cheese's for some pizza and FUN! Taelin had never been to Chucky Cheese's and he LOVED IT! He was freaked out by Chucky Cheese (which was pretty funny...he liked to stare at him, but if we got him to close to him he would grab onto me for dear life). He loved the little riding toys and the sports games of course. He had the time of his life! Thanks so much Randy and Papa and Gammy for taking us out:)

Cousin Randy driving!

Taelin wasn't so sure about the horse ride. That one is for sure a big kid ride...not Tealin's size yet

He wasn't interested in driving the car, he just wanted to look through the purse

He was FINALLY get the hang of things and figured out how to turn the wheel. Once he learned that he was really happy!


Loved this one!

Didn't really know what to do about this one either, just liked the steering wheel, and looking around like what the heck are all of these things! i love it!

Then he finally figured out that he was suppose to look up! SOOOO AWESOME!

He's not so sure about him.

Playing basketball

And football

The prize that Randy won for all of his tickets..haha cool star glasses!

Taelin LOVES to take glasses off of people, we are trying to teach him that he can't do that cuz they are expensive and nice and will break, so he was really happy when Randy let him play with his fake ones.

what a cool dude!

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