Monday, April 25, 2011

coming over to Japan

We left to go to the airport at 400 am, only 4 hours of sleep....I guess I was ready for a LONG LONG day!!

Last pic with Grandma for a long time
Last pic with Aunt Net for a long time

Just hanging out in the airport

Last pic with Papa for a long time
Family was so nice to come and say goodbye to us 1 last 430 in the freaking morning!! LOVE YOU GUYS!

Taelin & I READY for take off! Taelin slept the whole way from Boise to San Fransisco:)

Before we took off he LOVED looking out the window! So happy that he got his own seat:)
When we got to the airport in San Fransisco we were STARVING! SO we got some breakfast.  This airport was HUGE, and didn't have any golf carts or push things to put my luggage it SUCKED!! Especially because we had a 5 hour lay over! There was one point where I wanted to cry because Taelin wasn't listening, and was running away, and I had to carry 2 carry on's, a laptop bag, and his diaper was rough!!! Im glad we made it safely though! And I'm glad they had some fun things for Taelin to play with...or we just made up our own games:)

Taelin liked to look at these airplanes hung on the ceiling
And play in this little toy...there was a little kid section, which was was kind of like a discovery center....BUT it didn't have a gate around it or anything so Taelin lasted about 20 min and then would just run we left that place pretty quick and just went where the international flight was, cuz there was hardly ANYBODY there, so he could run around and do whatever the heck he wanted and not get lost either:) 
Taelin LOVED to look out this window and see the cars go underneath a tunnel and then come back out, loved to watch the planes go off:)
He also liked to play with his cars on this:) I had lots of toys to keep him entertained. He would flirt with the people coming past him, or would hid himself and act shy.  We did have a lot of fun playing with an Easter Egg in the hallway, he would kick it or throw it down the hall....that was a killer game!!!!!!! It was also really fun when other people would kick it back to him...HE LOVED that!
Wahoo we are on plane #2:) this flight was 11 hours~~!! TALK ABOUT LONG!! Taelin liked to play with his seat belt and OF COURSE have it on BEFORE the plane took off...once the plane took off he was ready to take that seat belt off and wouldn't stop screaming until I he sat with me and then fell asleep for 5 hours!!! :) So nice of him!!!
This is how happy he was to be on an 11 hour airplane ride:)  The lights were OFF the whole time as well, which was nice because everyone just wanted to sleep.  it really wasn't that bad, he slept for 6 hours of the plane ride...which was so nice!! There was a little 4 year old boy sitting behind us that he liked to play with, and the Japanese man sitting next to us was super helpful when I needed things and Taelin liked to play BOO with him.  They served us 2 meals on the plane, which was really good:) When we got to the Tokyo airport it was CRAZY....the man offered to help me, which was so nice because I don't think I could have done it by myself.  We had to walk A LONG way, and then we finally got to Customs, and they STAMPED our PASSPORTS:) wahoo! so cool!!!!! Then we got our luggage and headed onto plane #3:) Tokyo to Naha:)
We had about a 2 hour layover in Tokyo, and of course Taelin loved to run around! This one was nice because there were just 8 gates and all in 1 big row, so he could run run run as much as he wanted and he wouldn't get lost:) it rocked!!
We FINALLY got to get on our bus ride and go to plane #3:)

Plane #3
Taelin OF COURSE wanted to look out the window....

And put on his seat belt
This plane ride WAS THE WORSE PLANE RIDE!! Taelin slept the whole way, which was nice, because it was a 3 hour plane ride. I however only slept for 1 hour.....and the seats were SO uncomfortable!!! The lights were on the WHOLE time, which i hated because it was pitch black just was not a good flight and I was ready to be done!!!!! We FINALLY arrived in Naha, Japan at 845 pm Sunday night.  LONG DAY (S).  We left Saturday morning, and arrived Sunday night...but with the time difference it's just crazy.  We got our luggage and FINALLY got to see DADDY!! Boy were Taelin & I so happy to see him!!!!!!!!!!


Annette said...

Loved that post! :) I'm so happy you took so many pics that you could put on here :) Fun fun, so glad you made it there safe!

Rachel said...

Nora was "talking" the whole time looking at the pictures of taelin. She loves him! i am so glad you are documenting everything. keep it up. I don't want to feel like strangers :) miss you. hope you are having a blast. What a neat experience for you guys, especially Taelin.