Tuesday, January 25, 2011

another hard day

well, good news....taelin had a blessing last night from my dad and next door neighbor and he has done much better today. no soup diapers and no throw up. so keep the faith that his sickness has left his body!
well after work i came home to take Taelin to his 18 month checkup. i hate these checkups because i feel like the worse mom ever who has to hold down their screaming child while the nurse injects them with needles:( well he got a toy story sticker and a bouncy ball afterward, which made him very happy1:) so here are his 18 month stats
weight:20.2 lbs (-5%)
length:31.25 (25%)
head: 46.5 (25%)

o because he is dropping in the charts with his height and weight we had the great time of going over to st. lukes to get some blood drawn for some test:( Taelin was of course all smiles and flirting before we get called to go back...then the worse began. He had to get blood drawn from his tiny little vein:( I of course had to hold him, which was very hard for me. From the moment they got that needle in his vein to the time it got pulled out he was SCREAMING AND CRYING. It was very difficult. I hope they got enough blood so he doesn't have to go in again. They gave him a toy afterward that made him very happy!
Taelin took a great afternoon nap and is all smiles! He misses Daddy like crazy! Glad daddy comes home soon...and for a very long time!
18 month pics coming up

1 comment:

Kaylene said...

Yikes! I hope everything is fine, maybe he is just a little guy.