This is me at 12 weeks; looking so pretty right out of the shower. Just a little bump:)
This is me at 16 weeks!
This is me at 18 weeks:)
I am feeling great and doing awesome. We find out what BRAND we are having in 2 weeks and cannot wait! I feel like all I do is eat and drink water. My back only hurts sometimes, so I'm really enjoying my sleep while I can! I had to start taking these Viactive chewable's because my calves and feet would get the WORSE charlie horses in the middle of the night! It was no fun. But these chewable's worked miracles for me! Love them!!
yay for a lil bump! i HATE the charlie horses!! we did the room tonight.. now you really need to come see it tomorrow! I can't believe you are leaving us!
Finally! Yay for the prego pictures! You look super cute Jennie:) I can't wait to find out what your having...I'm going to guess a boy.
there were only 2 pictures.. but I LOVED THEM!!! You are adorable! :-) I miss you!
Jen! You're barely looking pregnant... and very stinkin cute! Keep posting more pics since this is how I can catch up on how you're doing. Also, when you find a new place to move into, let me know!
jennie! you are the cutest pregnant lady ever!
aren't you just the cutest! Keep us updated! I'm going to guess that you are having a girl, just to be different than Lisa :)
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