Christmas was so much fun!!! I was so happy that Dalin got home safe from the bowl game Christmas Eve! I had missed him so much!
Let me just say that i LOVE that both of our famlies live in Boise! We got to spend time with both sides on Christmas Eve and Christmas day!!! We are so thankful for all of the stuff we got! We love it all!!! It was so much fun spending our first Christmas together and making our own traditions as a family! We had so much fun playing ROCK BAND, talking to Dalin's little brother TY on his mission, watching movies, eating, and playing on THE NEW PIANO!! I wasn't even sick:) So we had a great Chistmas!! Pictures will come soon! AND IT'S OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON SUNDAY!! TIME SURE DOES FLY! It's been a wonderful year~!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas is my 2nd favorite holiday! I love the music, treats, lights, and of giving to others. It makes me feel so happy! Dalin and I decided to pick names of people that needed help getting christmas presents for our Christmas tradition; and let me tell ya, it is so worth it! We had so much fun shopping for the kids names that we picked, and it was so much fun giving them away. It made me feel so good inside.

Another tradition that we are going to do (it comes from his family) is make a Christmas Train every year and give it to someone as a gift. This was my first year making these with his family and THEY WERE SO MUCH FUN!!! Way better than gingerbread houses! Here are some pictures of us making them and the final product:)
I also love all the decorations that come with Christmas time!! With living in an Apt it is kind of hard to decorate such a little place, but we did our best:) And I love it!!

This is our entertainment center decoarted so cute! love the christmas lights:)
And this is our cute white tree, only kind of decorated (whoops). But i told Dalin that next year we are starting a tradition of having a real tree because I love the smell of them!! And i told him that i want to go and cut one down:) And of course, he agreed with me, so I can't wait to start that tradition next year:)
And this is one of the cutest christmas treats that Misty (a girl at my work) made! I loved them and am going to make them next year! So cute and so yummy!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Dalin's B-day!!!!
DALIN'S B-day was bascially the whole month of November. IT seemed like he got a b-day present almost every week of November, but of course he didn't mind:)

This is the first b-day present that he go from his Mom and Dad! Boy was he excited! A Mac Book!!
For his 2nd b-day present from Me and my mom and Dad he got a NEW I-POD!!! What a spoiled boy!!! He was so excited! Somedays I want to steal it away from him because it's so freaking sweet!!

This year we had Thanksgiving with his family so we could celebrate his b-day:) It was a lot of fun! We had amazing food and played some games and then ended the night by seeing AUSTRALIA! we loved it!! Seriously one of the greatest movies of all time!! We advise everyone to see it! You will LOVE it! We ended the night with having APPLE PIE, Dalin's Favorite! Such a fun Thanksgiving day!
FINALLY!!! Dalin's REAL b-day was Friday the 28th!!! I made him breakfast in bed, and he got this sweet GUN! HE LOVES IT:) Then he got ready to go to the last home game for BSU. WOW what a great game!!! WE WON and are UNDEFEATED!! It was so awesome!! Good job BSU!! After the win of 61-10, they opened the gates and fans started rushing onto the field! BSU rocks!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Halloween & Stuff

Dalin getting ready to carve his masterpiece

I wanted to eat it

Paul just getting started when we were all almost done!!

This is Jeanne carving her pumpkin:)

This is Mine and Dalin's Pumpkins:)

The hole in our ceiling.....
HALLOWEEN was a lot of fun for us. We carved pumpkins with our next door neighbors Jeanne and Paul for b-day/FHE. I carved a cute little spider, Dalin carved Batman, Jeanne carved Belle, and Paul carved Darth Maul. We didn't start till about 10:00 p.m. and we got done around 1:30 a.m.!! But it was super worth it!! :) Then on Halloween night we got to go and pass out candy at Dalin's parents house. Dalin wasn't feeling to well, so he stayed up stairs and relxaed and watched a movie. His mom and I handed the candy out. It was super fun to see all the cute trick-or-treaters come in their costums. I loved it!! Then we went and hung out with some friends and ate food and watched a scary movie! It was a great Halloween!!
Another thing that happened this month was our kitchen flooded. I was taking a bath one night, and when I wanted to get out I pushed the drain thing down, and I could see that the water was going down but couldn't hear the water draining. So I just decided to get dressed and go downstairs. I turn on the kitchen light and water is leaking out of our ceiling into our kitchen!!!! So we get our mananger over to our apt, and she calls the emergency plumber, and of course his phone # is disconnected!! So we put towels over the whole floor to try and dry it up. Well, an old man came the other day to fix the drain and stuff and he had to tear open our ceiling so it wouldn't get all gross and also so it could air out and stuff. So we had a big huge hole in our ceiling for about a week, it was awesome!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is our 10 month anniversary and I'm just the happiest girl in the world!! I coudln't have picked a better man to be with for the rest of my life. Dalin is truly an amazing husband and i'm so greatful for him!! I have enjoyed these last 10 months so much and i'm so happy that we have eternity together! He is the kindest most down to earth guy that I know. He is super caring, to not only me, but everyone that he comes in contact with. He makes me laugh so much and knows about everything he can do to make me laugh!! He truly is my everything!! Thanks so much honey for being you and for being by my side 100%. Happy 10 months:)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The cutest little boy ever!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
AlanJerome's Baby Blessing:)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's been awhile since Dalin and I have updated our blog, and I think that it's time we do.....let's see...Dalin is working his butt off at school and is doing great!! HE is also loving cheer again this year and hopes to win another national championship in March. Midterms are this week and he is studying for those...he is also coaching out in Eagle and loves the kids that he teaches!!! He recently got asked to help the cheerleaders out at eagle high school with their tumbling and is liking that as well. I graduated almost a month ago and am loving what I'm doing right now!!! i work at TSS in the mornings, then go and do my internship at the dental office in the afternoon and LOVE IT, and then do surveys in the evenings! Dalin and I don't see much of each other, but it will be worth it in the end we are hoping!!! We are loving being married and can't believe that it's almost been 10 months!! Time goes by so fast! But we are more in love everyday and are so happy right now!! We will post pictures soon:)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Our Labor Day Camping Trip

Dalin was REALLY HUNGRY and wanted soup, we forgot to pack a can opener, so he decided to smash the can against a rock, and this is how the can turned out...

We had some Duckie Friends, and decided to feed them some bread.

Dalin had the great idea of building us a itty bitty fire on the beach, it turned out awesome, and really did keep me warm! He has such great ideas!

He was REALLY COLD! :)

We decided to roast some marshmellows and make some S'mores, and they turned out AMAZING!!

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