Mykayla playing with Taelin. It was so much fun seeing them!

Brodie hiding..he was being shy! we love him!

Taelin loves his Mickey!

They LOVED to do push ups on Dalin's back

So Dalin decided to teach them how to do push-ups! it was really cute

Taelin got to go to his best friends 1 year birthday party. Its crazy to think that Carter is already 1! happy birthday Carter!

Carter was a happy birthday boy!

YAY i'm 1!!!

Daddy likes to bite Taelin's shirts....silly

7 months old!!!!!! getting so big and so handsome! Love that smile

A new stir fry that we tried out and LOVED!

this was what it looked like in the pan! OMG the chicken tasted AMAZING!

So cute in his own little seat at the BSU Basketball game! He loves watching basketball

what a big boy! He loves those toes of his

Karalee's bridal shower! :)

Love Krys!

All of the girls! So much fun to catch up!

Macie found HER SPOT on the couch:) she's such a cute dog


Seriously....you may want to lock up your daughters!

Taelin has mastered standing! He is getting so strong! He loves to have you help him stand up so he can play with some toys on the couch. He loves to walk with help and loves to do tricks with his daddy. Dalin loves to toss him in the air and spin him in 360's and Taelin absolutely loves it too. Its crazy to think that next monday he will be 8 months!
Seriously...Taelin was scooting all over this bed, and then he sees the camera and STOPS what he is doing to smile and laugh at the camera! gotta love my baby:)
This is Daddy throwing taelin in a 360 and 180! He gets so happy.
taelin LOVES Macie's toy's and LOVES to play with Macie! It's so much fun and so funny to watch. He totally knows what toys are Macies and tricks her!
This was so cute. He loved playing with this huge ruler at work. He was such a good helper that day.
We were at Walmart and Dalin started making these noises and Taelin just kept laughing. Had to take a video of how much he loved it!
Showing off his newest Skill!
Loves his new toy!