Sunday, January 31, 2010

Best Week in awhile!

This week was SO MUCH FUN! let me tell you why
MONDAY: Family Home Evening
TUESDAY: Spur of the moment date out to eat at Mai Tai for some dinner and dessert, Chad & Shannon were so kind to watch Taelin while we went on this date and then did some grocery shopping after!
WEDNESDAY: Went over to TY & Heidi's apt to hang out and watch a movie. Watched Angels & Demons, such a great movie!
THURSDAY: Had Jared & Elise Maybon over for pizza and games
FRIDAY: Had a fun Jewelry Party at my apt
SATURDAY: Dalin went to McCall for the winter carnival while I stayed home taking care of my sick baby. Got to just relax and sleep a lot and watch movies. Watched BEAUTY & THE BEAST & MARLEY & ME. Made dinner, had a fire go off in the over (freaked out), dalin came home, ate dinner, went and visited his aunt Enid at his grandparents, came home and watched MY SISTERS KEEPER
SUNDAY: Stayed home from church cuz we were all not feeling very good. Slept in. Went and looked at dogs and puppies at the hound and the mall. Watched P.S. I LOVE YOU
It was so much fun having Dalin home at nights with us. It's a bummer that he can't work his night shift at FedEx right now because of his back, but awesome that we get to spend time together. What an amazing week!

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