Sunday, January 31, 2010

Best Week in awhile!

This week was SO MUCH FUN! let me tell you why
MONDAY: Family Home Evening
TUESDAY: Spur of the moment date out to eat at Mai Tai for some dinner and dessert, Chad & Shannon were so kind to watch Taelin while we went on this date and then did some grocery shopping after!
WEDNESDAY: Went over to TY & Heidi's apt to hang out and watch a movie. Watched Angels & Demons, such a great movie!
THURSDAY: Had Jared & Elise Maybon over for pizza and games
FRIDAY: Had a fun Jewelry Party at my apt
SATURDAY: Dalin went to McCall for the winter carnival while I stayed home taking care of my sick baby. Got to just relax and sleep a lot and watch movies. Watched BEAUTY & THE BEAST & MARLEY & ME. Made dinner, had a fire go off in the over (freaked out), dalin came home, ate dinner, went and visited his aunt Enid at his grandparents, came home and watched MY SISTERS KEEPER
SUNDAY: Stayed home from church cuz we were all not feeling very good. Slept in. Went and looked at dogs and puppies at the hound and the mall. Watched P.S. I LOVE YOU
It was so much fun having Dalin home at nights with us. It's a bummer that he can't work his night shift at FedEx right now because of his back, but awesome that we get to spend time together. What an amazing week!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


it's a sad day at the Nelson's house.....
Taelin has his very first ear infection:( it is infecting his eye as well and his nose is super runny:( poor little man! Hope he gets better soon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jan 2010

Wow! A new year already! We have done a lot so far.....we got to celebrate our 2 year anniversary on Jan 4th at the Fiesta Bowl, which was awesome. But since we didn't get to be together a lot of the day we decided to go to a movie when we came home to celebrate our anniversary. We went and saw AVATAR IN 3D!!! It was SO MUCH FUN! It was nice to have a little date without Taelin, we love him, but it's nice to have some alone time:)

Dalin also started school again too. He decided to change majors and is now studying Criminal Justice. With him going into the marines he thought this would help him more. He is taking 14 credits, plus working at FedEx and cheerleading. He will have a busy semester. He just herniated a disk in his back, so he is working with the trainers at BSU to help his back.

I am still continuing to work at an IT company where I gets to take my baby with me:) so much fun! he is such a great help! and then I work 3 days a week at a HVAC company that I loves! Life is busy with Taelin, Dalin, Macie and work.

Taelin is continuing to get cuter and cuter everyday. He is starting to learn new things everyday. It amazes me the things he can already do. He grows up to fast!

These are his stats for 6 months

Weight: 15.1 lbs (10-25%)

Height: 26 3/4 (50-75%)

Head: 16 7/8 (25-50%)

He started to do this really cute/silly pose where he tilts his head sideways and stares or laughs at you!

He also LOVES to eat his bib when you feed him!

Now that he knows how to take his binkie out, he always tries to put it back in his mouth, sometimes he gets it back-words! haha

Taelin LOVES macie! they have so much fun together!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


We had the awesome opportunity to go down to the 2010 Fiesta Bowl in Arizona. It was such a great day because it was also our 2nd Anniversary:) I went down with Dalin's parents and brother and my baby. We left Sunday the 3rd really early in the morning on a bus to Las Vegas. Taelin did AMAZING!!!!! I was really nervous to take him on a ride for that long, but he had such a great time. When we got to Las Vegas Taelin was so excited to FINALLY not be held and play with his toys and move around. We left early Monday morning to Arizona and arrived just in time for the Tail Gating Party! Taelin was a really big hit. So many people came up to him wanting a picture of or with him. Dalin did a great job in the pep rally and it was really great to finally see him. We got to hang out for a little bit with Dalin before the game started and that was a lot of fun. The game was AWESOME!!!!!! The bronco's came out with the win against TCU 17-10. It was a great game. Taelin even fell asleep 2 times during the game. Right after the win we wanted to find Dalin. Dalin took Taelin onto the field and was interviewed by channel 7. Our little baby of almost 6 months old was on national television 3 times for this trip! You got to start them out young to be a bronco fan for life! After we celebrated our win it was time to go back home to good ol boise idaho. I got a little bit of time to spend with Dalin for our anniversary before we had to leave:) We left at about 11:00 pm Tuesday night and arrived in Las Vegas at 6:00 am Wednesday morning with our Bus breaking down. What was a maybe 1 hour lay over, turned into a 7 hour lay over at a McDonalds and gas Station. It was a LONG day. and I couldn't even believe how awesome Taelin did. he was seriously the best baby!!!! I was so proud of him. We left around 1:00 pm Tuesday and got home around 1:30 am Wednesday morning. Dalin around home around 2:30 am Wednesday morning as well. We were all happy to FINALLY be home! it was an awesome trip and i think the best anniversary EVER!! Dalin even get to meet John Cena while he was down there. He was pretty stoked about that. Our next vacation will be Dalin's Nationals in California in Feb. This time we will be on a Plane:) I promised Taelin that he wouldn't have to ride a bus for a VERY VERY VERY long time!

Taelin has been growing and growing. I can't believe that he will be 6 months this month!! IT's just crazy to me. He has started to do more and more tricks every day. These are some of them:
*He scoots all over the floor now
*He sleeps through the night
* He likes to tilt his head to the side and smile at you ( one of my most favorite things he does)
* He talks more and more every day
* And he is starting to recognize his name!
This last month he got really sick and had croup. He is starting to get over it which makes me really happy. He is teething really bad so is a big slobber mess all the time. He loves to give kisses and is our bundle of joy!