Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just a little Up-Date

So, it's been awhile, and I've totally been slacking! Well, I am 30 weeks pregnant today, so we now only have 10 weeks left:) I LOVE IT! We are getting so close to seeing our little baby Taelin. He moves ALL THE TIME, and kicks me and sits in weird positions that hurt me. I keep getting bigger and bigger, and it's kind of weird to me. I have gained 27 lbs so far, so I'm thinking that I will go over my goal of only gaining 30 lbs...oh well! Taelin is so worth it:) The Doctor said everything is great with him, so that is good news:)
Dalin is finishing up with school this week, and is SO excited to have a break. He has done so well this semester, and only had 1 more final:) He is working for Pest Control, and is doing GREAT with that as well! He is being such a good husband to go out everyday and sell, sell, sell! I love him for that:)
Macie is doing great too!!! She started Obedience School 2 weeks ago, and is doing AWESOME! She has learned how to Sit, lay down, Take it, Leave it, and walk good on a lease:) We are definetly the small kid in class. We have a Bulldog, a black lab, a beagle, and 3 other dogs in class. It's fun going once a week. She hasn't had an accident in her crate for about a week, and sometimes she goes in and out of it when we are at home! She is so much fun!!


Tyler and Carisa said...

I want some belly pictures!!!! =D

STAYC said...

Where did you put Macie in obedience class at??? I heard Scotch Pines is great, but I'm shopping around...haha. So excited for your little one to come!