It's been awhile since Dalin and I have updated our blog, and I think that it's time we do.....let's see...Dalin is working his butt off at school and is doing great!! HE is also loving cheer again this year and hopes to win another national championship in March. Midterms are this week and he is studying for those...he is also coaching out in Eagle and loves the kids that he teaches!!! He recently got asked to help the cheerleaders out at eagle high school with their tumbling and is liking that as well. I graduated almost a month ago and am loving what I'm doing right now!!! i work at TSS in the mornings, then go and do my internship at the dental office in the afternoon and LOVE IT, and then do surveys in the evenings! Dalin and I don't see much of each other, but it will be worth it in the end we are hoping!!! We are loving being married and can't believe that it's almost been 10 months!! Time goes by so fast! But we are more in love everyday and are so happy right now!! We will post pictures soon:)